First Field Test
9:32a For my trip to Dallas this morning, I decided to forgo my usual bag of electronics and bring along nothing other than my new tablet. It certainly is light, but I'm not confident about the battery lasting the whole trip. It's a quick one though, so we'll see.
I did find one situation where the whole the tablet form factor has proven useful... ok, PED's off. See you in Dallas.
2:47p Quick trip-now I'm waiting for my return flight to board. The tablet is great for taking notes in meetings, especially since I'm the kind of person who winds up drawing diagrams on whiteboards to explain everything. Now my boxes and arrows will make it into my (electronically managed) documents. Big Win!
Battery life has been good, since I let the machine sleep when I'm not actually using it. I'll be tweaking the power settings over the next few days. Turning off bluetooth and wi-fi will surely help.
7:11p Now that I'm back home I can say with confidence that my M1300 will replace my PDA, my laptop, and my legal pad on all future business trips. Cool!
P.S. When I got home I found my Executive Portfolio waiting on my doorstep. Off with the hardcover!
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