Monday, November 08, 2004

Tablet Navigation?

I wasn't able to pick up my tablet before I left town for the weekend, but I should be able to get it today. One of the things I'm eager to try out is Microsoft Streets & Trips. I've tried an older version of PocketStreets before and found it lacking. The map files were huge and suffered from incompatibilities between versions. I hope the 2005 version is better.

Microsoft has some tough competition in this field. On my trip to Palo Alto this weekend, I used my iPaq running the excellent Mapopolis software for in-car satellite navigation. That combination sets the bar high, with compact map files, smooth on-screen scrolling, super-fast screen refreshes, and a user interface optimized for use while driving.

Once I have a chance to test Streets & Trips running on my tablet, I'll post a review and include a comparison with Mapopolis running on a PocketPC.